Videos and programmes from past forums are archived here as a useful resource.
Simply select the year you’re interested in to view sessions from the forums held that year.
- A Fireside Chat with Michael Devoy, CMO of Bayer AG
- Investment Perspective – Daniel Couto
- Panel 1: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors & Other Novel Mechanisms for the Treatment of Neovascular AMD: Is There Unmet Need?
- Panel 2: The Impact of Extended Duration with Injections on Novel Drug Delivery Approaches for Posterior Segment Diseases
- Panel 3: Drugs Vs Non-Pharmacologic Therapies for Slowing Myopia Progression
- Panel 4: When will AI Guided Therapy for Retinal Disease Evolve From Interesting to Essential?
- Panel 5: Surgery & Robotics
- Panel 6: The Retina Business: Do the Few Wins Justify the Many Losses?
- Panel 7: Gene & Cell Therapy Outlook for Back of the Eye Diseases: Is this Really a Business?
- Panel 8: GA & Other Dry AMD Therapies: What Lies Ahead in Europe & Beyond?
Company Presentations
- AAVantgarde Bio – Jayashree Sahni
- Acusurgical – Christoph Spuhler
- Adverum Biotechnologies – Star Seyedkazemi
- Apellis Pharmaceuticals – Roy Schwartz
- Astellas Pharma – Marci English
- Beacon Therapeutics – Lance Baldo
- Complement Therapeutics Ltd. – Rafiq Hasan
- deepeye Medical GmbH – Manuel Opitz
- Dopavision GmbH – Mark Wuttke
- Exonate – Catherine Beech
- EyePoint Pharmaceuticals – Ramiro Ribeiro
- GenSight Biologics S.A. – Magali Taiel
- Isarna Therapeutics – Marion Munk
- Kiora Pharmaceuticals – Brian Strem
- Medetia – Jean-Philippe Annereau
- MyopiaAI – Sina Fateh
- Nanoscope Therapeutics, Inc. – Samarendra Mohanty
- Neurotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Rich Small
- Notal Vision Ltd. – Kester Nahen
- Oculis SA – Riad Sherif
- Ocudyne, Inc. – Jeffrey Franco
- Ocular Therapeutix – Peter Kaiser
- Outlook Therapeutics – Jedd Comiskey
- Pulsesight Therapeutics – Judith Greciet
- Re-Vana Therapeutics – Michael O’Rourke
- RetInSight GmbH – Amir Sadeghipour
- Samsara Vision, Inc. – Jason Herod
- Tarsier Pharma – Daphne Haim Langford

European Forum, Barcelona 2024
Panel Sessions
- Market Overview – Mike Giaquinto
- Panel 1: Has MIGS put Glaucoma Pharma Innovation to Sleep?
- Panel 2: The Premium Cataract Surgery Channel In Europe Vs Other Regions
- Panel 3: Will Novel Dry Eye Therapies Really Make a Difference?
- Panel 4: Cell, Gene and other Novel Corneal Therapies: Outlook for the Second Quarter of the 21st Century
- Panel 5: Investment Panel: Mergers, Acquisitions & Disappointments in Ophthalmology
- Panel 6: A View from the Top: Inspiring Innovation in Ophthalmology
- Panel 7: Truly Accommodative IOLs: Time for Another Go?
- Panel 8: Patient Vs Provider Centric Biotech & Medtech Innovation
Company Presentations
- Company Presentations Q&A (from session 1)
- Company Presentations Q&A (from session 4)
- 2Eyes Vision – Carlos Dorronsoro
- Ace Vision Group, Inc. – Alex Lopez
- Atia Vision Inc. – Yari Mitchell
- Aurion Biotech – Greg Kunst
- Biophta – Jean Garrec
- Ciliatech – Olivier Benoît
- CustomLens AI – Milind Pande
- Epion Therapeutics, Inc. – Michael Webb
- Eyedetec Medical, Inc. – Barry Linder
- EyeMed Technologies – Nir Israeli
- EyeYon Medical – Charles Holmes
- Implandata Ophthalmic Products GmbH – Max Ostermeier
- iStar Medical – Paul van Hagen
- LEP Biomedical – Alan Hibbitts
- machine MD – Phil Norris
- Medevise Consulting – David Killengray
- Mikajaki – Michael Assouline
- MICROT, Inc. – Jong Chul Han
- Myra Vision, Inc. – Robert Chang
- NovaSight Ltd. – Ran Yam
- Oculis SA – Riad Sherif
- Ophthalmic Therapeutic Innovation – Tina Guanting Qiu
- Pantheon Vision – John Sheets
- Photon Therapeutics Ltd. – Sunil Shah
- Radius XR – Ammad Khan
- RECORNEA SRL – Emiliano Lepore
- Rheon Medical SA – Nikos Stergiopulos
- Sanoculis Ltd. – Nir Israeli
- Tarsier Pharma – Emilee Fulcher
- Trukera Medical – Adam Szaronos
- ViaLase, Inc. – Shawn O’Neil
Retina Forum, Amsterdam 2023
Panel Sessions
- Panel 1: Dual Mechanism Anti-VEGF Therapies vs Novel Formulations of Older Agents: Will Patients & Providers have a Preference?
- Panel 2: Can AI & Digital Health Accelerate the Execution or Reduce the Cost of Clinical Trials?
- Panel 3: Novel Instrumentation for Back of the Eye Diseases: Who Will Continue to Invest?
- Panel 4: Visual Preservation in Retinal Diseases: Will Gene Therapy Make a Dent?
- Panel 5: Investment in Back of the Eye Products: Is it Safer than Buying Cryptocurrency?
- Panel 6: Sustained Delivery for Anti-VEGF Therapy: Come & Gone, or Still in Play?
- Panel 7: Global Harmonization of Regulatory Processes for Drugs & Biologics: The Impact on Retinal Disease & Therapy
- Panel 8: Novel Therapies for Geographic Atrophy: How do we Measure Success for Physicians, Patients & Payers?
Company Presentations
- AAVantegarde Bio – Natalia Misciattelli
- Aldropika Therapeutics – Uttam Surana
- Apellis Pharmaceuticals – Lukas Scheibler
- Aviceda Therapeutics – Tarek Hassan
- Beacon Therapeutics – Darin Curtiss
- Complement Therapeutics – Rafiq Hasan
- Deepeye Medical – Ratko Petrovic
- Endogena Therapeutics – Matthias Steger
- Eyecheckup – Rim Khazhin
- Eyevensys – Francine Behar Cohen
- Iveric Bio, An Astellas Company – Erin Henry
- Kuria Therapeutics – Keith Ward
- Nanoscope Therapeutics – Samarendra Mohanty
- Notal Vision – Kester Nahen
- Oculis – Riad Sherif
- Ocuterra Therapeutics – Kerrie Brady
- Outlook Therapeutics – Surendra Sharma
- Photoprotective Technology – James Gallas
- Re-Vana Therapeutics – Michael O’Rourke
- REGENXBIO – Sumie Takahara
- Tarsier Pharma – Daphne Haim-Langford
European Forum, Vienna 2023
Panel Sessions
- Panel 1: Will Novel Glaucoma Drug Delivery Be Competitive or Synergistic with MIGS?
- Panel 2: Cell and Gene Therapy for the Anterior Segment and other new Technology – Progress?
- Panel 3: Has Cornea-based Refractive Surgery Peaked?
- Panel 4: Myopia in the Digital Age: Is Technology the Answer?
- Panel 5: How has the Investment Environment Changed in the last 2 Years?
- Panel 6: Leadership in Ophthalmology: Lessons From a Pioneer and His Disciples. An interview followed by a panel session
- Panel 7: Which Phaco and IOL would I want Today?
- Panel 8: The Impact of Global Harmonisation of Regulatory Process on Medtech Innovation in Ophthalmology
- Market Overview: Michael Giaquinto
Company Presentations
- Atia Vision | Dee Stephenson
- Aurion Biotech | Judith McGarry
- Biophta | Jean Garrec
- Ciliatech | Olivier Benoit
- CustomLens AI | Milind Pande
- Dopavision | Mark Wuttke
- Elios Vision | Cameron Hudson
- Epion Therapeutics, Inc. | Michael Webb
- Eximore Ltd.| Eyal Sheetrit
- EYE-GO | Henrik Nagel
- EyeYon Medical | Nahum Ferera
- Fitlens | Limin Wang
- Glaukos | Tomas Navratil
- Implandata Ophthalmic Products | Max Ostermeier
- iSTAR Medical | David Stocker
- Kuria Therapeutics | Keith Ward
- LensGen, Inc. | Ramgopal Rao
- LEP Biomedical | Alan Hibbitts
- m-lab GmbH | Dominik Beck
- MachineMD | Carsten Laue
- Mikajaki | Michael Assouline
- Myra Vision, Inc. | Robert Chang
- NovaSight Ltd. | Ran Yam
- Oculis | Riad Sherif
- Ophthalmic Therapeutic Innovation | Tina Guanting Qiu
- Orasis Pharmaceuticals | Elad Keda
- Photon Therapeutics | Sunil Shah
- Sanoculis | Nir Israeli
- Tarsier Pharma | Daphne Haim-Langford
- Twenty Twenty Therapeutics | Dimitri Azar
- ViaLase | Pete England
Retina Forums, Hamburg 2022
Panel Sessions
- Panel 1: Beyond Anti-VEGF Therapy for Neovascular AMD and Diabetic Retinopathy – Hype Vs Reality
- Panel 2: AI and Digital Health for Posterior Segment Disease – Are We There Yet?
- Panel 3: Investment in Retina Innovation: Is there Reason to be Optimistic? Nanna Lüneborg
- Panel 4: Alternatives to Intravitreal Drug Delivery for Posterior Segment Diseases
- Panel 5: Gene Therapy Platforms for Macular Disease – Are They Worth The Money?
- Panel 6: What is Exciting In Vitreo-Retinal Surgery
- Panel 7: Complement Inhibition And Beyond For Geographic Atrophy
Company Presentations
- Apellis Pharmaceuticals | Lukas Scheibler
- Avvantgarde Bio | Naveed Shams
- Clearside Biomedical | Thoms Ciulla
- Complement Therapeutics Ltd | Rafiq Hassan
- Deepeye Medical | Manuel Opitz
- Endogena Therapeutics | Matthias Steger
- Imagine Eyes | Nicolas Chateau
- Iveric-Bio | Dhaval Desai
- Nanoscope Therapeutics | Aaron Osborne
- Notal Vision Inc. | Kester Nehen
- Novartis | Jill Hopkins
- Oculis | Bastian Dehmel
- OCUMAX Healthcare | Holger Lubatschowski
- Ocuphire Pharma | Mina Sooch
- OcuTerra Therapeutics | David Tanzer
- Oxurion | Tom Graney
- Re-Vana Therapeutics | Michael O_Rourke
- RegenexBio | Ram Palanki
- RetinSight | Corinna zur Bonsen_Thomas
- Santen | Marianthi Psacha
- Visotec | Helge Sudkamp
European Forums, Milan 2022
Panel Sessions
- Panel 1: Drug Delivery For Ocular Disease Has There Been Progress
- Panel 2: Will Corneal Endothelial Cell Implantation And Other Novel Approaches Make Keratoplasty Procedures Obsolete
- Panel 3: The Future of MIGS What Comes Next
- Panel 4: Is the Emergence of the Ophthalmologist Investor in Eye Companies Good or Bad for Meaningful Innovation within the Ecosystem?
- Panel 5: The Impact Of Inflation And Market Correction On Ophthalmic Innovation
- Panel 6: The Global Public Health Problems Of Myopia – Is Surgery A Serious Competitor To Non-Surgical Options?
- Panel 7: Biotech Vs Medtech Return On Investment In Ophthalmology
- Panel 8: Phaco Instrumentation – Has The Technology Peaked Or Will We See Disruptive Change In The 2020’s?
- Panel 9: The Shark Tank: Aurion Biotech | IMCustomeye
Company Presentations
- AcuFocus | Yari Mitchell
- Allotex | Michael Mrochen
- Aurion Biotech | Greg Kunst
- Blink Energy | Yariv Baron
- CILIATECH | Olivier Benoit
- CorNeat Vision | Almog Aley Raz
- Dive Medical | Alejandro Noceda
- Dopavision | Mark Wuttke
- Elios Vision | Cameron Hudson
- EXCEL-LENS | David Mordaunt
- EYE-GO A/S | Henrik Nagel
- Eyenovia | Beth Scott
- EyeYon | Sharon Bakalash
- IMCustomeye | Lisa Kleintjens
- Infinite Medical Ventures | Sheraz Deya
- iSTAR Medical | Michel Vanbrabant
- Iveric Bio | Dhaval Desai
- Machine MD | Dominic Senn
- Max Biology | Sunil Shah
- Medevise Consulting | Bruce Gould
- Nicox Ophthalmics | Doug Hubatsch
- NovaSight | Ran Yamm
- Ocuphire Pharma | Mina Sooch
- Overture | Duncan Welling
- Photon Therapeutics | Sunil Shah
- PolyActiva | Vanessa Waddell
- Sanoculis | Nir Isreali
- Tarsier Pharma | Ruti Friedel
- Théa Open Innovation | Colin Francou
- Vialase | Shawn O’Neill
European Forum
Panel Sessions
- Corporate Leader: Ludwin Monz – How We Will Emerge Stronger Post Pandemic
- Corporate Leader: Shigeo Taniuchi – How We Will Emerge Stronger Post Pandemic
- Corporate Leader: David Endicott – How We Will Emerge Stronger Post Pandemic
- Panel 1: Lower Cost Capsulotomy Alternatives to Femto: Are they Making an Impact?
- Panel 2: The Future of Myopia Treatment – Optical or Pharma?
- Panel 3: Surgical and Pharmaceutical Approaches to Corneal Endothelial disease
- Panel 4: Intravitreal, Intracameral and Extraocular Drug Delivery for Anterior Segment: Which Approach is Best?
- Panel 5: The Ophthalmic Sector: Does Past Return on Investment Justify Future Optimism?
- Panel 6: Intraocular vs Bleb-Forming Extraocular Glaucoma Surgery. Where is the Greater Need and Opportunity?
- Panel 7: Opportunities in Ophthalmology – Investors Perspective
- Panel 8: Which IOL Would You Want In Your Eye If You Had Cataract Surgery Today?
- Panel 9: I have an idea. Is there a Big Eye Company Left to Call?
Company Presentations
- Rheon Medical | Nikos Stergiopulos
- Eximore Ltd | Eyal Sheetrit
- Mitotech S.A. | Natalia Perekhvatova
- NovaSight | Ran Yam
- iSTAR Medical | Michel Vanbrabant
- Eye Tech Care | Dietrich Wolf
- BELKIN Laser | Daria Lemann Blumenthal
- Sight Sciences | Shawn O’Neil
- GLANCE | George Kong
- MONA health | Olivier Menage
- AcuFocus, Inc | Yari Mitchell
- LensGen | Sumit Garg
- Aurion Biotech | Greg Kunst
- Recornea | Emiliano Lepore
- CorNeat Vision Ltd. | Almog Aley-Raz
- Dopavision | Hamed Bahmani
- Advanced Ophthalmic Innovations Pte | Cherry Khoo
- Eye-Yon Medical | Yishai Potack
- Radiance Therapeutics | Laurence Marsteller
- Sanoculis | Nir Israeli
- TECLens | Patrick Lopath
- Tarsier Pharma | Daphne Haim Langford
- Photon Therepeutics | Sunil Shah
- NovaSight |
- Medevise Consulting SAS | Kristine Morrill
- Plano | Mohamed Dirani
Euro Retina
Panel Sessions
- Panel 1: Personalised approach to Back of the eye therapeutics
- Panel 2: Gene therapy and gene editing for rare and common retinal diseases
- Panel 3: Dry AMD Therapy: Will we get there and who will pay?
- Panel 4: Investment introduction and overview
- Panel 5: Home monitoring and real world data to accelerate posterior segment innovation
- Panel 6: Sustained drug delivery for AMD: Mainstream care or an expensive side show?
- Panel 7: Surgery and Robotics: The Next Frontier?
- Summary: Adnan Tufail
Company Presentations
- Santen Cell Therapy | Gill Carrasquinho
- Visotec GmbH | Helge Sudkamp
- Samsara Vision | Mike Besserman
- Ra-Vana Therapeutics | Michael O’Rourke
- REGENXBIO | Stephen Pakola
- Preceyes | Gerrit Naus
- Pleryon Therapeutics | Yu Yu
- OcuTerra Therapeutics | Kerrie Brady
- Ocuphire Pharma | Mina Sooch
- Notal Vision Ltd | Kester Nahen
- MONA.Health | Olivier Menage
- IVERIC bio | Pravin Dugel
- GenSight Biologics S.A. | Magali Taiel
- ForwardVue Pharma | Alan Franklin
- Eyevensys | Francine Behar-Cohen
- EyePoint Pharmaceuticals | Nancy Lurker
- Clearside Biomedical | Thomas Ciulla

Asian Virtual 2021
Asian Retina – Panel sessions
- Panel 1: Is Myopia prevention a viable business opportunity?
- Panel 2: Real world anti-VEGF utilisation in Asia and the opportunity for Gene Therapy
- Panel 3: Investment update & panel discussion
- Panel 4: Access to modern retina surgery in Asia: Is it improving?
- Panel 5: Innovation in imaging and telemedicine to improve remote access to ophthalmic care
- Panel 6: Reducing the unmet need for care in Asia: Surgical robotics & smart implants
Asian Retina – Company presentations
- Adverum Biotechnologies – Aaron Osborne | CMO
- AsclepiX Therapeutics, Inc. – Theresa Heah | CMO
- AVECRIS Pte Ltd. – Volker Patzel | Founder
- GenSight Biologics – Magali Taiel | CMO
- Isarna Therapeutics – Marion Munk | CEO
- Iveric Bio – Pravin Dugel | CBO
- Norlase – Oliver Hvidt | CEO
- Notal Vision Inc. – Kester Nahen | CEO
- NovaSight – Ran Yam | CEO
- Ocuphire Pharma – Mina Sooch | CEO
- OcuTerra Therapeutics – Kerrie Brady | CEO
- Preceyes – Marc De Smet | CMO
- Risk Medical Solutions – Sigurbjörg Ásta Jónsdóttir | CEO
- Samsara Vision – Thomas Ruggia | CEO
Asian – Panel sessions
- An Interview with Shigeo Taniuchi, President and CEO, Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd
- A Market Overview, Seth Samergy
- Panel 1: Will ICLs bring a SMILE to refractive surgeons in Asia?
- Panel 2: How will corneal endothelial transplantation change eye bank cost and revenue models?
- Panel 3: Can Asia reverse the global femto bust?
- Panel 4: An Asian Leadership Perspective – How has business changed after COVID?
- Panel 5: Investment opportunities in ophthalmology in Asia
- Panel 6: Navigating IP management challenges in Asia
- Panel 7: Cost and quality in meeting the cataract backlog: private vs public sector approaches
- Panel 8: MIGS for angle closure: The next horizon?
Asian – Company presentations
- 2Eyes Vision S.L – Susana Marcos | Co-founder
- Avellino Labs – Eric Bernabei| Global Head of Corporate & Business Development
- BELKIN Laser – Daria Lemann-Blumenthal | CEO
- BioLight Life Sciences Ltd. – Yaacov Michlin | CEO
- CorNeat Vision – Almog Aley-Raz | CEO
- Equinox Ophthalmic, Inc. – John Berdahl | CMO
- EYE TECH CARE – Dietrich Wolf| CEO
- Eye-Yon Medical – Nahum Ferera | CEO
- LENSAR, Inc. – Nick Curtis| CEO
- LensGen – Sumit Garg | Medical Director
- Medtechnoskorp Ltd. – Rupert Mok | CEO
- Photon Therapeutics Ltd. – Sunil Shah | Consultant Ophthalmologist
- Pleryon Therapeutics – Yu Yu | CEO
- Premark Pharma – Ian Vessey | Managing Director
- Radiance Therapeutics – Abigail Mackrill | Director of Business Development
- TECLens, LLC – Patrick Lopath | COO
- Wolfcreek Biotech Pte Ltd. – Cherry Khoo | Managing Director
Virtual 2020
Retina – Panel sessions
- Panel 1: Can AI Help Us Beyond Retinal Imaging?
- Panel 2: Anti-VEGF Drugs for Retinal Disease: Is There Room for More?
- A One to One with Marie-France Tschudin, President of Novartis Pharmaceuticals
- Panel 3: Gene and Cell-based Therapy for Retinal Disease: Opportunities and Challenges
- Investment Overview with Naveed Siddiqi
- Panel 4: The Dream Vs the Reality: Making Investments in Retina, an Investor Perspective
- Panel 5: Surgical Instrumentation and Microscopy: A Real Business or a Revenue Rounding Error
- Panel 6: Novel Drug Delivery Approaches for Posterior Segment Disease
- A fireside chat with Dr. Wiley Chambers, USFDA
- Panel 7: The Impact of COVID-19 on Retina Discovery, Development and Business
Retina – Company presentations
- Adverum Biotechnologies – Aaron Osborne | CMO
- Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Casey Kopczynski | CSO
- Apellis – Ramiro Ribeiro | Sr. Medical Director
- Clearside Biomedical – Thomas Ciulla | CMO
- Eyevensys – Ronald Buggage | CMO
- ForwardVue Pharma – Alan Franklin | Founder
- GenSight Biologics – Magali Taiel | CMO
- Graybug Vision – Fred Guerard | CEO
- Imagine Eyes – Nicolas Chateau | CEO
- IVERIC bio – Kourous Rezaei | CMO
- Kodiak Sciences, Inc. – Jason Ehrlich | CMO & CDO
- Macuject Pty Ltd. – Devinder Chauhan | CEO
- Neurotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Rich Small | CEO
- Notal Vision, Inc. – Kester Nahen | CEO
- Oculis S.A. – Marcia de Souza Lima | CMO
- Preceyes BV – Gerrit Naus | CEO & Co-founder
- ProQR Therapeutics – Aniz Girach | CMO
- Re-Vana Therapeutics – Michael O’Rourke | CEO
- REGENXBIO – Steve Pakola | CMO
- ReNeuron – Rick Beckman | CMO
- RetinaRisk – Einar Stefánsson | Founder
European – Panel sessions
- Panel 1: The Global Dry Eye Opportunity: Will it Ever be Realised?
- Panel 2: Big idea and No Money: Who Do I Call in a Big Company?
- Leadership Perspective with Shigeo Taniuchi
- Panel 3: Drug Delivery for Eye Diseases: Simply Cool Technology or also a Commercial Success?
- Panel 4: Cataract and Other Elective Surgery in the Era of COVID-19
- Panel 5: Refractive Outcomes after Cataract Surgery: IOL Adjustment Vs Enhancement
- Panel 6: Premium IOL Patient-reported Outcomes and Regulatory Processes
- Panel 7: Will Endothelial Damage Restrict Glaucoma Device Progression?
- Panel 8: Opportunities in Ophthalmology – Investors’ Perspective
- Panel 9: Femto a Decade Later: Was it Worth the Investment?
- A View from the Top: The Long-term Impact of COVID-19 on the Business of Ophthalmology
European – Company presentations
- 2EyesVision – Susana Marcos | Co-founder
- AcuFocus – Yari Mitchell | Chief Business Development Officer
- Aerie Pharmaceuticals – Michelle Senchyna | Vice President
- Avellino – Eric Bernabei | Chief Sales & Marketing Officer
- Azalea Vision – Enrique Vega | CEO
- Belkin Laser – Daria Leann-Blumenthal | CEO
- Centricity Vision – Rob Thornhill | CEO
- EyeYon Medical – Nahum Ferera | CEO & CO-founder
- Implandata Ophthalmic Products – Max Ostermeier | CEO
- Intelon Optics – Dimitri Chernyak | CEO
- Isarna Therapeutics – Marion Munk | CMO
- iStar Medical – Michel Vanbrabant | Vice President
- Kali Care – Sina Fateh | CEO
- LENSAR, Inc. – Nick Curtis | CEO
- LensGen – Sumit Garg | Scientific Advisor
- Liqid Medical – Daemon McClunan | Founder & CEO
- NovaSight – Ran Yam | CEO
- Oculis S.A. – Marcia de Souza Lima | CMO
- Photon Therapeutics – Sunil Shah | Consultant Ophthalmologist
- Rheon Medical – Nikos Stergiopulos | CEO
- Samsara Vision, Inc. – Thomas Ruggia | President & CEO
- Sanoculis – Nir Israeli | CEO
- Sight Sciences – Patrick Smale | Vice President
- TearClear – Robert Dempsey | CEO
- Voptica – Pablo Artal | Professor
Paris 2019
Retina – Panel sessions
- Endpoints for Macular Therapeutic Trails: Is it all about Vision or should Anatomy Matter?
- Is Retina Overheated for Investors?
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Added Value or Passing Fad?
- Novel Pharmaceutical Agents and Delivery
- Perspective by Nanna Luneborg
- Retina Innovation in the 2020s
- Safety, Vectors and Routes of Delivery for Stem Cells and Gene Therapy
- The Role of OCT Angiography and Other Image Device
- Vitreo-Retinal Surgery and Robotics
Retina – Company presentations
- Aerie
- Apellis
- Eyevensis
- Galimedix
- GenSight
- Graybug
- Gyroscope
- Imagine Eyes
- Iveric Bio
- Kodak Science
- Oxurion
- Preceyes
- Re-Vana Therapeutics
- ReNeuron
- Retina Risk
European – Panel sessions
- A View From the Top: What Keeps the Big Company Leaders up at Night?
- Can Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Help Product Development?
- Cataract Technology: Can Simpler and Cheaper Actually be Better?
- Corneal vs Lens-based Refractive Surgical and Non-Surgical Options for Presbyopia
- Glaucoma Drug Delivery: Why is it Taking So Long?
- IOL Technology: Adjustable Intraocular Lenses Versus Getting it Right the First Time?
- Market Overview by Michael Giaquinto
- Shark Tank
- The MIGS Era: The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?
- The Impact of Economic Cycles on Biotech and Medtech Funding?
- Will Device Based Dry Eye Therapy Challenge Drugs?
- Why No Startup Should Bank on Milestone Payments
European – Company presentations
Vienna 2018
Retina – Panel sessions
- Artificial Intelligence?
- Fewer Injections Better Outcomes with Anti VEGF: Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It?
- Gene Replacements Vs Protein Therapy for Retinal Disease: Targets, Challenges and Business Strategies
- Microinstrumental for Vitreoretinal surgery: Is It All About Size?
- Why is Retina so Exciting to Investors?
Retina – Company presentations
European – Panel sessions
- A View From the Top – Corporate CEO’s Interviewed
- Drug Delivery for Glaucoma: Pending Reality or Passing Fantasy
- Innovation Pipeline
- Market Overview – Investing in Ophthalmology
- Novel Pharmaceutical Therapies for Presbyopia, Cataract and Other Forms of Ageing
- Shark Tank
- The Quality-Efficiency Tradeoff in Modern Cataract Surgery Technology
- Will any New IOL Tech Company remain unsold?
- Will Bleb Formation Divide the MIGS Market
- Will the Evolving Economic Landscape for Dry Eye Products Impact Investment
European – Company presentations
- Aerie Pharmaceuticals
- EyeTech Care
- Eyeon Medical
- Infinite Vision Optics
- iStar Medical SA
- Keranova
- LensGen
- Mynosys
- Novaliq GmbH
- Ocular Therapeutix
- Panotopes Pharma
- Re-Vana Therapeutics
- Refocus
- Rheon Medical SA
- Sanoculis
- Voptica
Hong Kong 2018
Panel sessions
- A View from Global Corporate Leaders
- Guest of Honour – Prof. Anthony Wu
- How Will the Glaucoma Device Boom Affect Asia?
- Ophthalmic Innovation Case Study: C-Mer Holdings
- Presbyopia and Cataracts: Femto, Eyedrops and Accommodating IOL’s
- Skynet and the Eye: Retinal Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
- The Changing Healthcare Market in Asia
- The Changing Market for Refractive Surgery
- The Myopia Epidemic: Opportunities and Potential Solutions
- The Regulatory Pathways in China
- What are the Prospects for the Ocular Surface?
- Will New Modes of Glaucoma Drug Delivery Eclipse the Device Boom?
- Wooing Asian Investors
Company presentations
Lisbon 2017
Panel sessions
- A view from the top: Corporate CEOs interviewed
- Dry AMD: Current challenges and future trends
- Dry eye: Will there be any in the house?
- MIGS and glaucoma drug delivery: Will European reimbursement drain enthusiasm?
- Pearls for innovation
- Perspectives from top venture capitalists
- Presbyopia: More than just Lenses?
- Shark Tank
- Who should you talk to in order to sell your company?
- Will refractive surgery bring a SMILE to Lasik surgeons?
Company presentations
- AcuFocus
- Camras Vision
- EyeYon Medical
- Implandata
- Innfocus
- Kali Care
- Medicem
- Mupharma
- Mynosys Cellular Devices
- OptoLight Vision
- Presbia
- Re-Vana Therapeutics
- Refocus
- Rheon Medical
- Sensimed
- SRD Vision
- TearLab
- Vivior AG
- Z Lens
Singapore 2017
Forum overview
Panel sessions
- A view from the top – Keith Barton interviews Flemming Ornskov, Chief Executive Officer, Shire Plc., USA
- Session 1 – Beyond anti-VEGFs- surviving the injections
- Session 2 – Developing and taking a new idea to market
- Session 3 – The Asian investment climate
- Session 4 – Trends in glaucoma devices and drug delivery in Asia – The buyers’ aspirations and the sellers
- Session 5 – Market access for femtosecond laser cataract surgery and premium IOLs in Asia
- Session 6 – The future of anti-microbials – enough of our -cins
- Session 7 – Will laser refractive surgery bring a smile to Asian ophthalmologists
- Session 8 – A view from the top – Ophthalmic innovation
Company presentations
- Abyss Processing Ptd. Ltd. – Michael Girard, Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
- Ace Vision Group, Inc. – AnnMarie Hipsley, Chief Executive Officer, Ace Vision Group, Inc.
- Avacta Life Sciences – Amrik Basran, Chief Scientific Officer, Avacta Life Sciences
- Cassini B.V – Tom Dunlap, Chairman, Cassini B.V
- Ellex Medical Lasers – Tom Spurling, Chief Executive Officer, Ellex Medical Lasers
- Eye Tech Care – Dietrich Wolf, Chief Executive Officer, Eye Tech Care
- Guangzhou Biotechnology Company – Rajvardhan Azad, Consultant Viteroretinal Surgeon and ROP Specialist, Bharti Eye Hospital
- HE Innovation Centre – Wei He, President, HE University Eye Hospital
- InfiniteVision Optics SAS – Carsten Laue, Chief Executive Officer, InfiniteVision Optics SAS
- Ivantis Inc. – Glen Burgess, Managing Director Asia-Pacific, Ivantis Inc.
- OccuRx – Darren Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, OccuRx
- pH Pharma Co. Ltd. – Sanjeev Satyal, Vice President, pH Pharma Co. Ltd.
- SinSa Labs – Roger Beuerman Chief Financial Officer, SinSa Labs
- Z Lens LLC – Paul Marius Beer, Chief Executive Officer, Z Lens LLC
Copenhagen 2016
Forum overview
Panel sessions
- Shark Tank
- Panel 1 – AMD Is The Pipeline Dry?
- Panel 2 – Why is gene therapy not yet in the DNA of Big Pharma 2016
- Panel 3 – Imaging: OCT Angiography
- Panel 4 – Trifocal and Extended Depth of Focus 2016
- Panel 5 – Leading Venture Capitalists
- Panel 6 – Dry Eye: Will New Science Lubricate the Market 2016
- Panel 8 – Capsule-centred IOLs
- Panel 9 – A View From The Top: Corporate CEOs
Company presentations
- Apellis – Cedric Francois
- Salutaris Medical Devices – Laurence Marsteller
- Cassini – Jeroen Cameraat
- Kali Care – Sina Fateh
- Aerie Pharmaceuticals – John Thygesen
- NightstaRx – David Fellows
- Q&A session 1
- Intelon Optics – Dominik Beck
- Allotex – Michael Mrochen
- EyeYon Medical – Nahum Ferera
- Altacor – Francesca Crawford
- Mynosys Inc – John N Hendrick
- Z Lens LLC – Paul Beer
- Lens Gen – Ramgopal Rao
- AcuFocus – Nicholas Tarantino
- Q&A session 2
- ALeyeGN Technologies LLC – Michael Ballard
- Innfocus – Russ Trenary
- Ivantis Hydrus – Dave Van Meter
- AQ BioMed Futures – Jim Kasic
- Intelon Presentation
Barcelona 2015
Forum overview
Panel sessions
- Buyers & Sellers: A View From The Top
- Does Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Address A True Unmet Need?
- Opthalmic Pharma Innovation: Will The Breakthroughs Come In-house Or Via Acquisition?
Company presentations
Tokyo 2014
Panel sessions
- The role of global ophthalmic organisations in promulgating technological innovation
- Emerging needs and opportunities for industry in meeting eye care needs of low and middle income countries
- How will patient expectations drive corneal and refractive surgical innovation?
- Understanding ophthalmic product regulation around the globe: the best way to promote innovation
- Disruptive cataract surgery innovation: will outcomes drive reimbursement?
- Perspective: Innovation in EHRs
- Perspectives: Opensource Solutions: Openeyes
- Future pharmaceutical innovation: New molecules versus improved drug delivery
- Ophthalmic investment and innovation: East meets West
- Grow, partner or exit? A globalized question
London 2014
Opening sessions
- Opening Remarks – Keith Barton and Kuldev Singh
- Insight – Gaps in the Market – Anterior Segment
- Insight – Gaps in the Market – Posterior Segment
- Shark Tank
Panel sessions
- Gene therapy and Stem Cells
- Barriers to More Precise Outcomes
- Reimbursement for Novel Cataract Surgery
- Placing Multile Bets
- Innovation Cycle
- Pyschotherapy
- Therapeutic Pipeline
- The Next Generation of Ophthalmic Imaging Devices
- Best Practices
Company presentations
- Anterior – Forsight
- Anterior – AcuFocus
- Anterior – Wavetec
- Anterior – iOptics
- Anterior – Akkolens
- Anterior – Medicem
- Anterior – Camras
- Anterior – Mimetogen
- Anterior – DSM
- Anterior – Medicontur
- Posterior – Hemera
- Posterior – Graybug
- Posterior – OD-OS
- Posterior – Salutaris
- Posterior – Oraya